Ruben Delaet
Data Engineer
Thibault Vo
Client Partner
Gilles Deweerdt
Marketing Lead
Kevin D'hooge
Innovation Catalyst
Joeri Ruyssinck
CEO, PhD Machine Learning
Joachim van der Herten
CTO, PhD Machine Learning
Peter Dedecker
Strategist, Sales Engineer
Julie Derumeaux
Data Scientist
Greg Scheirlinckx
Data Scientist
Meet our team.
Who we are
ML2Grow was created in May 2017 as a spin-off company of Ghent University and the world-leading R&D and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies, imec.
Decades of experience in machine learning research and industry collaborations were transformed into ML2Grow to help organisations with their increasing data-related needs.
A strategic partnership was created in February 2019 with Invibes Advertising, an advanced technology company specializing in digital in-feed advertisement.
Today, ML2GROW consists of a passionate group of computer scientists, engineers and innovators that are on a mission.